(705) 374-4911
For general inquiries and further information, please contact us:
TEL: 705-374-4911
136 Highgate Rd.
Kirkfield, Ontario Canada
K0M 2B0
OPENS MAY 12th 2023
Updated May 31st, 2021
Hello campers a note from Grant,
We have just received notification from 3 different levels of government that YES we can open June 2nd at 9 am.
1. No visitors or guests in the park till further notice. Only those listed on your licence of occupancy at the park at this time.
2. 5 people per lot
Plus all other COVID rules apply.
P.s. please do not contact the park for clarification on this matter.
Updated May 19th, 2021
Good morning campers,
After a lengthy discussion with the City of Kawartha Lakes pertaining to clarification in regards to trailer park opening and government rules please read the email pasted below.
I would like to clarify in short form what this means to Balsam Lake Trailer Park
1. you were allowed to open your trailer and check for damage for a length of time of no more than 24 hours.
2. You must remain quarantined at your site for 14 days consecutively and not wander around the park or other sites. After 14 days if all people occupying your site feel healthy then you may wonder about the park.
3. For those of you that have already opened your trailer you may not enter the park until after the stay-at-home order has been lifted or you are spending the 14-day quarantine in the park.
4. Starting Immediately you will be stopped by Park personnel or the Ministry of health to make sure you are in compliance with the above ministry orders.
The City of Kawartha Lakes has informed us that parks that do not comply with the above order may be shut down for the entire season please do not let this happen.
Hello Everyone Who Owns a Trailer Park/Campground or a Trailer,
The following is the Message from the HKPR District Health Unit and this direction
The message from Public Health has been consistent "Stay at Home".
Even during the stay-at-home order, the regulations allow a Trailer Park/Campground to open if full services are provided and the health unit is notified in writing of their intent to open.
Full services mean water, electricity and sewage disposal.
Users are only allowed to stay for <24 hrs or >14 days.
There are three regulations in play here.
Ontario Regulation 265/21 Stay at Home Order which is under the EMCPA
O. Reg. 265/21: STAY-AT-HOME ORDER (ontario.ca)
O.R. 265 states that every individual shall remain at the residence at which they are currently residing at all times unless leaving their residence is necessary for one or more of the following purposes:
Section 19. Travelling to another residence of the individual if,
i. the individual intends to be at the residence for less than 24 hours and is attending for one of the purposes set out in this Order, or
ii. the individual intends to reside at the residence for at least 14 days.
Ontario Regulation 82/20 Rules for Areas in Stage 1 which is made under the ROA
O. Reg. 82/20: RULES FOR AREAS IN STAGE 1 (ontario.ca)
Section 26. (1) Seasonal Trailer Parks/Campgrounds that meet the following conditions:
1. Campsites must be made available only for trailers and recreational vehicles that,
i. are used by individuals who are in need of housing, or
ii. are permitted to be there by the terms of a full season contract.
2. Only campsites with electricity, water service and facilities for sewage disposal may be provided for use.
3. All recreational facilities in the campground and all other shared facilities in the campground, other than washrooms and showers, must be closed.
4. Other areas of the seasonal campground must be closed to the general public and must only be opened for the purpose of preparing the seasonal campground for reopening.
Below is information surrounding Covid-19 Safety Protocols for Trail and Forest users.
All trail users are advised to adhere to the following COVID-19 safety protocols:
Observe physical distancing, maintain a physical distance from others at a minimum of 2 metres at all times
A mask or face covering should be worn outdoors if physical distancing cannot be maintained
Share the pathway or trail.
Be aware of high-touch areas, users are advised to wash/sanitize their hands before, during and after visiting the trail and after touching any surface
If the area you are visiting is busy and physical distancing is difficult, consider leaving and heading to a less crowded area
Avoid visiting trails if you or any members of your household are sick or not feeling well
Stay within your family circle
Do not congregate with anyone who is not from your household and this includes congregating at any Trailer Park or Campground because this is not your principal residence and these other families are not from your household
Updated: May 3rd, 2021.
The news you have all been waiting for.......
We will be opening on May 14th at 9 am as planned. Keep in mind you must have sent in your signed license of occupation before occupying your trailer. All COVID-19 rules apply at this time, household family members only and please no guests. All amenities in the park will be closed. Looking forward to seeing you again but from 6’ away.
Updated: April 17th, 2021:
Good Morning All,
Given the current situation with the pandemic here in Ontario, I am sure that many of you have questions about the park opening etc.
At this time, I have no concrete information as this is an ever-changing situation. I would like to ask that everyone hold off on calling/emailing the park at this time. As you can imagine, this is always a very busy time as we prepare the park for opening.
In the event that the Government of Ontario issues further closings/restrictions, I will post any updates, if they impact us, closer to park opening. Thanks, Everyone!
As I have stated before, we are willing to work with any campers that are having difficulties, during these trying times. If so, please contact the park at 705-374-4911 or at GLJames1@msn.com.
136 Highgate Rd. Kirkfield, Ontario
So many different ways to get here that you won't have to worry about too much traffic.